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diane kai


Ever notice how extreme circumstances are exactly what you need to motivate you to take that scary, first step in the right direction? For change, for a new perspective, and into the beginning of a new life, all for the better?

Well, that's exactly what happened to me.

First with my health. Then with my job.

Although the two events happened over a decade apart, they were both significant because they both pushed me in the same direction of my purpose.

Let me backtrack a bit.


I sat in my first Yuen Method® energetics class over 25 years ago. I was amazed by the energy healing process, but unfortunately, I couldn’t really understand how to do it. Even though I left the class a little confused, I continued to expand my knowledge in the Universal Laws and other wellness concepts that caught my interest. Little did I know what an enormous impact Yuen Method® was going to have on me later in life.


I put Yuen Method® on the back burner, as I built what I thought would be my career for the rest of my life. I climbed the corporate ladder in various creative departments for two of the largest entertainment companies in the world. But, after working in the same industry for many years, I started feeling less fulfilled and I knew I had a bigger calling.


Fast forward 10 years.


I was reintroduced to Yuen Method® when I was seeking resolution to some of my own “health” concerns. This time, my experience was vastly different. Yuen Method® had evolved, and the technique clicked with me. The examples I saw in class were stunning. A student improved his eyesight in minutes. I watched and listened in awe as Dr. Yuen, over and over again, resolved students’ pain and problems. I left the weekend-long seminar incredibly inspired, ready to pursue Yuen Method® with a passion. I dove right in, completely immersing myself in the technique. I felt surprisingly empowered. As crazy as it sounds, I felt almost invincible.


As a result of this class, I quickly changed my perception of disease and illness. I redefined what it meant to be well, both physically and non-physically. And, my view of the body, mind, and spirit connection was reinforced. Most importantly, I felt freer.


Next, my job situation.


Several years ago, a sudden downsizing of my department left me out of a job. I was a little shocked, but not at all scared. Rather, I embraced it. Although I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do, I did know it would be something different from what I was doing at the time. I knew in my heart that it would be with energetics. And, I knew with certainty that this was my opportunity for change because I was being pushed, way out of my comfort zone, in the direction of where I was supposed to be. This event unexpectedly gifted me the time and financial means to pursue what I find truly meaningful.

Blessings in disguise.


In what many would see as setbacks, I saw the opportunity for growth and change. I learned to look for the opportunity in everything, and upon reflection, to see the positive in everything. I found that even something seemingly devastating can have a positive, and all it takes is a shift in awareness and perception.


This is what I'm meant to do.


Seeing people needlessly suffering, struggling, and living in survival mode motivates me to share Yuen Method® with anyone willing to listen. From my own personal experiences, I can see how self-limiting, subconscious beliefs and negative emotional reactions can stand in the way of success. Other modalities can require long amounts of time to shift these things, if at all, through meditation, affirmations, and/or reprogramming patterns in the brain. With Yuen Method®, these limitations can be shifted in an instant, often faster than the conscious mind can even perceive it.


Helping others alleviate their stress and struggle, while they more effectively pursue and accomplish their goals makes me happy. Seeing my family, friends, and clients get positive results is extremely rewarding for me. It inspires me to seek out more and more applications for this amazing energetic technique. This gets me up in the morning. I'm obsessed with it. I'm passionate about it… I live for it.

Experiencing and learning Yuen Method® made a profound impact on my life. It transformed the way I view health and wellness and it changed the trajectory of my life. I'm so grateful that I can pursue my dream of using my knowledge and skills to help others improve their lives.

It’s an honor and privilege to share my learnings, and a little bit about myself, with you. 

I appreciate your openness and interest.


Thanks so much for visiting my site!

diane kai
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